Adaptive health monitoring mobile app for personalized wellness program

The mobile application that uses a smart cuff to offer real-time pulse and pressure metrics. It assists users in understanding whether a selected wellness program is appropriate for their specific health indicators, all while adhering to robust GDPR compliance standards.

Business сhallenge

The Client is a longstanding player in the healthcare sector in Europe. The Client approached us with an idea to introduce a new device which helps to improve physical well-being and maintain an active lifestyle by measuring heart rate and blood pressure during different activities. Together with doctors and medical specialists, the Client had developed an array of wellness programs in areas such as breathing exercises, meditation, home-based workouts, gym classes, and running routines. To enhance these programs with real-time metrics, they also co-developed a specialized cuff with a third-party organization for tracking blood pressure and pulse.




The Client needed a mobile application to enter the market. We were supposed to build such an application and integrate it with the Client’s device.

Our solution

Our first step involved a thorough analysis of the Client’s needs and objectives. We initiated the project with an intensive analysis phase, diving deep into the specifics of the device, its functionalities, and the Client’s expectations. The device supported connections via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and we were tasked with utilizing these options to facilitate multiple connection methods to the device. Essentially, the primary method of connection was presumed to be Bluetooth.

During the discovery phase, our main tasks included compiling a list of features for the app and creating an application architecture compliant with GDPR-guidelines.

We chose React Native to accelerate the time-to-market, cut costs, and simplify future app maintenance. Throughout the development process, we actively tested all features on a real device provided by the Client. The device’s firmware underwent multiple updates during this period, requiring us to adapt our scope of work. Fortunately, our Agile approach allowed us to easily incorporate these changes.

App concept and features 

The app features two main sections:

  • A dashboard – this is where users can see various health statistics at a glance.
  • Well-being programs – in this section, users can choose from different wellness programs to participate in.

When a user opts to start a program, the device begins real-time monitoring of their pulse and blood pressure for the duration of the workout. Upon completion, the app analyzes the data, taking into account the user’s height, weight and age. It then provides tailored recommendations on whether the workout was suitable, or if a less strenuous exercise would be better. If any health metrics are found to be abnormal, the application informs the user about the need to contact a specialist.


  • Show and tell onboarding – the first time a user opens the app, they are greeted with a series of interactive elements that walk them through the app’s core features. As users navigate through these introductory elements, they are simultaneously shown how a feature works.
  • Device connectivity – engineered for seamless integration with the device, the app supports both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Wi-Fi functionality allows users to take measurements without needing a nearby phone, as the data syncs automatically over the home network.
  • GDPR-compliant security – all user data is encrypted and stored in accordance with stringent GDPR guidelines to ensure maximum data security and patient confidentiality.
  • Secure cloud storage – all encrypted user data is stored in a cloud database compliant with healthcare security standards. We utilized Amazon RDS for database services, AWS Key Management Service for encryption, and Amazon S3 for large-scale data storage, all managed under AWS Identity and Access Management for stringent access control.
  • Automatic and on-demand measurements – the app offers two real-time monitoring modes: Periodic Data Fetching – where users can set frequency of pressure and pulse measurements. Event-Triggered Monitoring – for manual pressure and pulse checks.
    User profile – features the ability to add an avatar, change password, and update height, weight and age information.
  • Check for more features in the PDF File.

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    Vlad Fedortsov
    Sales Department Lead
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